My husband I & adopted our beautiful daughter Erin from China in June 2003. Life hasn't been the same. Then again, was there life before Erin? I can't remember!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Keeping Promises
In our 20's & 30's David always promised me that our 400's were going to be all about fixing him up. I always joked & told him he was nuts that I loved him just the way he was. Of course that was true & remains so to this day. However, he has been busy keeping his promise to me.
Today David had the 1st of 2 or 3 more surgeries. This begins our journey to fixing his hands. As a computer geek, he's got that dreaded problem - carpal tunnel syndrome. The doctor he's using is someone I've known for about 3 or 4 years now. I trust this doctor implicitly with the only man I've ever loved.
Each time David has surgery, I spend the night before awake. I get about 2 or 3 hours of sleep then I wake up & just spend the night staring at him & praying that things will be alright. We had explained to Erin that David was having surgery to fix his hand & that she needed to come to the hospital with us very early. I would then take her to school at the correct time. Erin was amazing with David. She has such an empathetic soul. Before I took her off to school, she gave David hugs & kisses & then kissed his hand to "help his booboo heal faster."
The surgery went well. The doctor said that David should be just fine in a few weeks but will be uncomfortable for a few days. He wasn't joking. David is definitely uncomfortable but managing to be quite the trooper.
Thanks for keeping your promises honey. However, next time just promise me a night out on the town. Those are much easier.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Momma guess what. . .
Each morning Erin & I have a conversation on the way to school. Sometimes she just wants to point things out. Other times, it's things she's noticed & has questions about. Today's conversation was a hoot!
Erin: "Momma guess what I saw last week on the Cartoon Network?" (BTW, last week usually means yesterday.)
Me: "What did you see Punkie?"
Erin: "I saw a ram with a shofar on it's head!"
For those of you who aren't Jewish, we are now celebrating The High Holy Days & Rosh Hashanah has just passed. A shofar is actually the horn of a ram & is used during the holy days as a part of our services. I lead junior congregation for the Kindergarten at the school where I teach & Erin is now a student. Last week during services, we discussed what a shofar is & what it means to the Jewish people. I guess something made Erin sit up & take notice.
Erin: "Momma guess what I saw last week on the Cartoon Network?" (BTW, last week usually means yesterday.)
Me: "What did you see Punkie?"
Erin: "I saw a ram with a shofar on it's head!"
For those of you who aren't Jewish, we are now celebrating The High Holy Days & Rosh Hashanah has just passed. A shofar is actually the horn of a ram & is used during the holy days as a part of our services. I lead junior congregation for the Kindergarten at the school where I teach & Erin is now a student. Last week during services, we discussed what a shofar is & what it means to the Jewish people. I guess something made Erin sit up & take notice.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I'm Honored

"This award is for bloggers who are nice people, good blog friends, and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also, for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world”.
What a nice suprise! My blog friend Magi over at Kaffee Klatsch nominated me for this award. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I found Magi while she was waiting for Sera & have admired her style from the first time I visited her. Now I get to nominate 7 people who I believe deserve this special honor.
1. My dear friend Vivian can be found at Life With Kerri. Viv & I met during her journey while I was home sick. In the past years, we have found many red threads that bind us together.
2. Ah, yes, Lisa from A Place and Time For Us. Lisa is an amazing woman. She is a stay at home mom who works so hard but always manages to have time for her family & friends. I'm so glad we found each other.
3. Lori over at Three and a High Chair amazes me. This dear friend of mine is getting ready to travel & bring home her sweet boy. She & her family have been very patient throughout this wait.
4. Kim from We 5 Chois is new to blogging. I'm hoping Kim reads this & sees that she's been tagged. Kim always has a kind word to say to someone - even after finding out that there's no beetroot at the salad bar!
5. Shari at Find Chianna loves being tagged. She's waiting to bring her very own sweetie home. I'm so happy that I ran into her hubby at Target while doing what I do best - shopping.
6. One of the sweetest people I have ever not met is my friend Sandra from The Daily Grind - Life with Jazzie and Tahlia. We have never met in person yet I cannot imagine my life without Sandra. She is my fellow Waiting Heart & our threads seem to be quite tangled. February 28, 2002 is a day marked in my memory for many things dear friend.
7. Michelle from I Run Like a Girl found me through Sandra's blog. I have yet to get her my challah recipe which I promise to do. I have also never met Michelle but found her blog compelling. This is a woman with a heck of a heart.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
A Busy Week
This has been a very busy week for our family. Erin has been coming home from school each day with homework. Thankfully, Erin really loves going to school & has been super excited about doing her homework. I sure hope this attitude continues for a while!
David & I chose to keep Erin at Temple Beth Am for Kindergarten. She needs a more intimate situation where she can be comfortable. Her teacher - the fabulous Miss Cindy - is someone I have known for the last 20 years. Hebrew school teachers have to take continuing education classes so we've met each other frequently. We also wanted Erin to continue with a good basis for her religious education.
I will admit that something must be working. The other day Erin came home to tell us all about "the blowy thing" we have to use for Rosh Hashanah. Of course she meant a shofar - the ram's horn that is used in the High Holy Day services. Later in the week, after dinner, I got up to clear the table while Erin sat there chatting with me. It was really cool for me to hear Erin singing to herself. What was she singing? "Hatikvah" - the national anthem of Israel. A mother couldn't have been more proud than I was at that moment.
Today Erin started her first day of Kindergarten in Hebrew school. I have been teaching at B'nai Aviv for 17 years & waited a long time for this day. As Melinda called the teacher's & students names, I waited to hear Erin's name called. I already knew that she would be in my friend Karen's class but still I was excited. When Erin went over to Karen, she started to cry as she realized that she wasn't going to be with me. Needless to say, I had to work hard not to cry myself. Many people in the sanctuary have known me a long time so they know I cry easily. As with each new start, Erin was nervous. At the end of the day, I asked both Karen & Erin how she did. It seems that Erin was a real trooper & worked well with the other students. She even brought home her first project from Hebrew school - a challah cover for the upcoming Rosh Hashanah holiday!
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