My husband I & adopted our beautiful daughter Erin from China in June 2003. Life hasn't been the same. Then again, was there life before Erin? I can't remember!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I voted!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Quirks? I have quirks!?
- I'm territorial. That may not be quirky to you, but trust me that for me it is. I'm left handed & use my mouse on the left side. If you move my mouse to the right side, fine. But put it back where you found it. Don't move or touch my things without the knowledge that you better put it back where you found it. If you don't, you will hear about it from me.
- I almost never take lunch breaks at work. Most people need their 30 minutes (or however long they take). To me a lunch break is a waste of time. I'm in the groove, doing my thing & you expect me to stop so I can eat? Why? Do I look like I'm missing out on food or something? Are you kidding!? The only day I consistently take a lunch break is Fridays.
- I love science fiction tv shows & movies. However, I absolutely cannot read the stuff. It bores me to tears when it's in the written word.
- I yawn. All the time. Even when I'm not tired. I don't mean to do it, & I can't help myself but I yawn. My mother used to say that I came out yawning & not crying.
- I sleep with 2-3 blankets each & every night. At least I start out that way. My hands & feet are always cold so I can't fall asleep without being all bundled up.
- I love to shop. I mean grocery shop. I find it very relaxing. If I could make a living dong people's grocery shopping, I would.
- I love to be driven around. Ever since I was a child, if I was stressed out, my parents would put me in the car & just drive. To this day, David does that for me. Back when we didn't have much, a big night out was dinner at McDonald's & a drive down A1A.
Well, you wondered about my quirks. There you have them! No one ever said that I was normal. Besides, being normal is so humdrum.
And those of you who follow? I want to know about your quirks too!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
7 Facts

- I am married to my first and only love. I met David in 1982 and have been in love with him ever since even though we broke up for a few years before getting back together permanently in 1986.
- I love my jobs. Truly. During the week I work at a bank (how boring!) where I get to help people with whatever their needs. I also act as the office liaison - purchasing for the office, keeping the peace, reminding everyone that if they don't like what they're doing they should find something else 'cause it ain't worth it to be unhappy for 40 - 50 hours a week for years. I really believe that. On Sundays I teach 1st grade at a synagogue. I really love interacting with the children. OTOH, I really hate the politics at both jobs. Gee. That's a surprise.
- I love scrapbooking even though I'm one of the least creative people you'll ever meet. I started about 2 years ago with the encouragement of a very dear friend. I now have tons of scrapbooking supplies but no dining room table.
- Years ago I snored myself awake. Yup. You heard it here. I used to always complain to David that he was keeping me awake with his snoring. One night I woke up & yelled at him to stop snoring when he looked at me in that way that only a man can have & said "Honey, I'm reading. See my book? You snored yourself awake." Oops. He's never going to let me live that one down. (I can't really blame him though.)
- I'm very flexible. Even at my weight. I can stand up straight, bend over & touch my hands to the floor. Flat. Without any problems. It ooks people out. And Erin is even more flexible than I am.
- Like my friend Lori, I absolutely can't make a go of my day without my morning coke. David brings me a can of coke every morning so that I can get out of bed. And when I get to the office, I drop my stuff down & go make the pot of heavily caffeinated coffee so that I can become human. The joke in my office is that if you want Tammie to know something, wait till she's had her first sip of coffee 'cause it won't stick without the coffee. I can drink regular coffee & fall asleep in minutes. I drink so much caffeine that I never have a problem.
- I love to read books. I absolutely love to read romance, mystery, true crime but can't stand reading science fiction or fantasy even though I love to watch it.
There you go. I don't know if it's interesting stuff, but there it is. And now I have to tag 7 other people. Yikes!
- Sandra - Are we ever going to meet in person?
- Shari - I know you're busy right now, but Halloween is almost here so you'll have more time eventually.
- Grace - You may be new to blogging but I love what you have to say.
- Magi - I have loved reading all about your sweet girl. Now it's time to read about you!
- Kim - I can't wait to see what you have to say!
- Candy - Your turn! Now we get to know you!
- Sandy - It's not like you're busy or anything, but if you get a chance, we'd love to know more!
Have fun everyone!
Friday, October 10, 2008
She Eats Peas!

Woo hoo!!! She ate them!! David & I walked away from the dinner table while Erin was still sitting there eating. (She takes forever!) When David turned around, she was eating peas by the forkful, & I mean a real forkful not 1 or 2 peas on the fork.
He looked at her like she'd grown a 2nd head or something & the conversation went like this:
David: Are you eating peas Erin?
Erin: Yes (smiling with huge grin on her face)
David: Since when?
Erin: I don't know.
Me? I'm happy. Now she can't look at me & say "I don't do green!" By George, I think we've made progess. Yay!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Guess I Need My Bamboo
You Are a Panda |
![]() You are a very philosophical, introspective creature. You project a calm vibe. You have amassed a good deal of wisdom in your life. You can teach anyone who is ready and willing to learn. Solitude is very important to you. You don't truly feel at peace until you are alone. You enjoy a few friendships but only when those friendships are with fellow loners. |
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Don't Vote!!!
It is not a privilege to vote. It is our duty. It is our right. Why would anyone not vote? Don't you care about what has happened to our country? Could people be any more blind to what is happening?
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Hey! Stop Movin' My Cheese!