Dawn, thank you so much for this awesome award! Who knew back when I started blogging that someone would feel a desire to check in on me & see what's going on in Erin & my life. You are definitely on my Daily Dose list too!
My dear friend
Viv left in May to go up to the Great White North. Oh wait. I meant Canada. Even though we speak on the phone almost every day & chat online enough that our spouses are starting to wonder, I still
need to read her blog & find out what's going on with Kerri.
I-Con is amazing. This is a blog that I
absolutely must peek at daily. She has been waiting a very long time to bring home her daughter. While I-Con waits, she amuses me with stories of her daily life with wit, sarcasm & plain ole in your face honesty. She went away for a while & is back.
Kim is a local friend who recently started blogging. I always enjoy chatting with Kim at our monthly FCC get togethers. Her 3 under 6 crowd each make me smile. How does she do it!? Where does she find the time? I don't know, but I can tell you that while Kim is new to blogging, I expect to be reading her blog - on a daily basis.
Sandra & her girls are way too far away from me IMHO. I have been a faithful fan of Sandra's since we "met" almost years ago. (Wow! Has it really been that long!?) This ultra busy, SAHM amazes me. She is a wonderful wife, mother, friend & advocate for Cochlear Implants. I can't imagine how she finds the time to blog on a daily life & still have the cleanest kitchen I have EVER seen.
As to the rest of you on my blogroll, I hereby nominate you also! What would I do if I didn't take the time to check you out? My desktop crashed last week, & the thought of me whining about it, pushed David into overdrive to get my new desktop up & running. He's hoping that I'll give him some time on his laptop. Too bad Honey, I need my Daily Dose!