Wednesday, December 09, 2009

It's Not Your Mother's . . .

. . . Avon.

My friend Lori has taken on yet another venture.  She's just not busy enough with all that she does for her family & friends.  Somehow, she managed to squeeze in a few more minutes in her day to do more! No one is surprised.  When Lori decides to do something, she doesn't waste a single minute.  She grabs life by the horns & runs with it. 

A few days ago, Lori opened her very own online store.  She has some wonderful deals & is doing lots of fun give aways.  Go on.  Take a few minutes & peek around.  You're going to be surprised.  Today's Avon is not the same as what our mother's were used to.


Vivian M said...

Too bad I cannot order since I am outside the US!!

Life with JJ, Starr and Spice said...

Thank you Tammie!!! Love you!

Viv, Avon wrote me back and said that they are not able to export or ship out of the country at this time :(