I couldn't stay awake last night. By 10:30 I was exhausted. It had been a full day at the bank with work & talk of the election. David & I had planned on ordering dinner in so that we could concentrate on the election coverage. I spent the evening watching the coverage & IMing with my friend Lisa. Like so many Americans, we were waiting to see what would happen. Well, I couldn't handle it anymore & went to bed.
Sometime around midnight, David came in to wake me up with the news. We have a new President - Barack Obama. I went back to sleep. And at 3:00 am I woke up & asked David if I had heard him correctly. He wasn't happy at being woken up but sleepily said yes.
When I woke up this morning, it was with a smile. Of course I am also crying here.
The People have been heard. The country has realized that it really is time for change. No longer do we have to listen to someone telling us that there are no problems with the economy. We have an incoming president who understands that there are problems - and not just with our economy.
History has been made. Congratulations President Elect Obama!