My husband I & adopted our beautiful daughter Erin from China in June 2003. Life hasn't been the same. Then again, was there life before Erin? I can't remember!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Happy Anniversary Waiting Hearts!
There was nothing left to do other than make lifelong friends who would be there with me for what was an agonizing time. The February Waiting Hearts was filled with an amazing bunch of people. We had a cyber shower, online scrapbook supply swaps, & of course, Wednesday night chats. We went through the Virginia/DC sniper, SARS & so much more.
Susan & her family have become close family friends. While we don't live close to each other, we visit a few times a year. We both used Great Wall China Adoption, were in the same travel group, and adopted daughters from the same SWI - Yangchun in Guangdong Province.
Gretchen always joined in on the fun. We were able to meet in China while staying at The White Swan hotel. It was so neat to finally meet her & get to see her sweet Elise.
Sandra was the person who kept me going. I looked forward to Wednesday night chats because we always had to talk about The Bachelor - her ultimate favorite show at the time. She was my cheerleader even when she didn't know it.
All that was to get me to the most precious gift of all - my beautiful daughter Erin. I can't say enough about what this child means to David & me. I don't know how the CCAA does it, but the staff there seems to match each child to their Forever Family perfectly. Thank G-d for their insight.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Huh? I can't register her? Why not?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Two Weeks of Vacation!? What to do? What to do?
- Scrapping - yay! I have some neat pages planned.
- Reorganize the mess that is currently known as my home. Specifically, I'm going to try & rearrange Erin's room.
- Friday I'm going to Erin's school show. They've been working really hard on this, & it's her last so David is coming also.
- Butterfly World this weekend
- Relax
- Relax
- Relax
- Relax
- Have lunch with hubby hopefully
Not much is planned as you can see. I really need this week & am looking forward to not clogging the brain cells with too much.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Vacation Fun

Thursday, February 21, 2008
Chinese New Year Pics
Monday, February 18, 2008
Chinese New Year 2008 Party
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Yay! Vacation Here we are!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day

Monday, February 11, 2008
Birthday Celebration
Stress? What stress?
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Gong Xi Fa Cai
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books
The other day at work I had some clients come in to my office. Many times people will stare at Erin's photo, look at me, look at her photo again, & then say nothing. This couple is Chinese & felt comfortable enough to mention that Erin looked Chinese. Of course I got into a total discussion with them about how yes Erin is Chinese & we were lucky enough to adopt her at 10 months in China. They were very excited to hear that there are local groups who try to keep the Chinese culture alive for these children.
Anyway, they came back in yesterday for an appointment with one of my partners. I popped in & wished them a Happy New Year & offered the hope for healthy, happy & prosperous Year of the Rat. When they finished their appointment, they waited for me. These sweet people came to offer a lucky money envelope for Erin. I thanked them for their thoughtfulness & generosity & again wished them a Happy New Year.
And when they left, what do you think I did? Yes. You've got it right. I cried.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
February = Bronchitis? Since when?


I'm at my wits end. Frustration has taken a firm grip of me. There is almost nothing left. I am waiting for February 16th with such anticipation. Why? Erin & I go to Spring Hill for our annual visit with our friends for Chinese New Year.
This week is going to be a tough one. This is the week of the bank merger. I volunteered to be on the merger readiness team for our buddy branch. Those women are going to do really well. They're just waiting for it to finally be done so they can actually put into use everything they've been practicing for the last 6 months. I was so nervous last night. All I wanted was for them to feel comfortable. I remember how nervous I was during the merger where I had to learn tons of new stuff. And now I have to learn new things too that just don't make sense to me. I'm a logical person (okay, so I try to be one) & what I need to learn isn't sinking in. I only have till Friday morning to absorb it all. Can it be done? Yes. Not without me losing some hair though.
Then I'm having problems at my 2nd job. I don't even know where to begin on this one. Enough said that I won't be going back. My love for teaching & my love for the children can't overcome the extreme BS that I have to deal with. I truly feel that I'll be losing a part of my soul, but I can't keep going back & feeling like I'm losing "me."
My local FCC group is having our annual Chinese New Year event. We go down to Miami Beach to this wonderful restaurant. The food is yummy, & there's a lion dance. Why aren't we going? Well, this is a crazy week for us. And the lion dancers terrify Erin. I really hate to miss out on it, & the promise of seeing her friends isn't even working. I hate seeing Erin so afraid. Yup. That's more hair coming out.
My upcoming trip to Spring Hill is twofold. I get to spend time with my dear friends Susan & Art while Erin gets to spend time with their daughters who treat her like another sister. Susan & I will relax & sit around drinking our chai lattes or coffees, Art will go to work, the girls will play. That's all after the big Chinese New Year luncheon where I will have to miss yet another lion dance. Erin is so terrified that she actually begged me to leave her here with David. Well, that just isn't happening. She will go with me, & we will miss the dance. AARRGGGHHH!!!!
When is February 16th? I can't wait to get on that plane. Maybe then I can stop pulling out my hair.
Friday, February 01, 2008
That Darn Cat!