My husband I & adopted our beautiful daughter Erin from China in June 2003. Life hasn't been the same. Then again, was there life before Erin? I can't remember!
Last night I tried a different approach. After being called into her room for what felt like the millionth time, I changed my answer: "When you go to sleep. After all, if you keep calling me, I can't go to bed." 10 minutes later Erin was snoring lightly in her bed.
David put her to bed about an hour ago. She asked me when I was going to bed right before going in. I told her that she needed to be asleep in order for me to go to bed. We haven't heard a peep from her.
Do you think I stand chance?
Happy Turkey Day to all!!
Enjoy this special time with your family & friends!!
One Tired Power Ranger
This year was Erin's first time going out to Trick or Treat. Last year, Erin was sick but didn't want to go out. The previous years, Erin was too scared of all the costumes to even consider it. This year she went out to see what all the fuss has been about. Each time she got to a door, David had to pick her up & hold her, but she did it. When they came home, Erin was so excited about her experience. I asked her how many houses she went to, & she told me "a hundred momma." After going through her goodies & letting her have 2 small treats, she got to answer the door to the children who came knocking. Bedtime came, & she fell fast asleep. Happy Halloween!! Hope everyone had a blast tonight!!
Erin & Jonathan
The Pink & Blue Power Rangers