My husband I & adopted our beautiful daughter Erin from China in June 2003. Life hasn't been the same. Then again, was there life before Erin? I can't remember!
8 Things I Look Forward To:
8 Things on My Wish List:
8 Things I Did Yesterday
8 Favorite Restaurants:
8 Friends I Tag:
Now I know that a few of you don't normally do the tags, but I enjoy getting to know people, so if you'd like to do it, great. If not, I'll have to stalk you to find out the answers.. Have fun!
Your turn now. Have fun if you choose to do this.
On Basilisk Station by David Weber
If a hostile task force emerged within energy weapon range of the defenses, those defenses would be destroyed before they could reply, but ships transiting a wormhole junction arrived with a normal-space velocity of barely a few dozen kilometers per second, far too little for a high-speed attackk run. (page 56k sentence 5)
And now I tag Michelle, Lori & Magi.
I got there at 8:30 to help set up & had a blast. Of course, while my home looks like a bomb went off in it, I love to organize so I was a happy camper! My friends showed up later to man their own stations since Shari had volunteered all of us to work. Hey Shari! How'd you get out of working The Festival? Did you tell them you were on schedule at your office? (Don't worry. We'll get you back.)
The fundraiser was a total success. The PTO raised almost $4,000 at this one event. No one expected that kind of success.
The best part? It was a great day!
Well, you wondered about my quirks. There you have them! No one ever said that I was normal. Besides, being normal is so humdrum.
And those of you who follow? I want to know about your quirks too!
There you go. I don't know if it's interesting stuff, but there it is. And now I have to tag 7 other people. Yikes!
Have fun everyone!
Woo hoo!!! She ate them!! David & I walked away from the dinner table while Erin was still sitting there eating. (She takes forever!) When David turned around, she was eating peas by the forkful, & I mean a real forkful not 1 or 2 peas on the fork.
He looked at her like she'd grown a 2nd head or something & the conversation went like this:
David: Are you eating peas Erin?
Erin: Yes (smiling with huge grin on her face)
David: Since when?
Erin: I don't know.
Me? I'm happy. Now she can't look at me & say "I don't do green!" By George, I think we've made progess. Yay!
You Are a Panda |
![]() You are a very philosophical, introspective creature. You project a calm vibe. You have amassed a good deal of wisdom in your life. You can teach anyone who is ready and willing to learn. Solitude is very important to you. You don't truly feel at peace until you are alone. You enjoy a few friendships but only when those friendships are with fellow loners. |
It is not a privilege to vote. It is our duty. It is our right. Why would anyone not vote? Don't you care about what has happened to our country? Could people be any more blind to what is happening?
Annie's Costumes has been around down here for what seems like forever. A few years ago, they switched to being an online business.
They have an excellant selection of costumes. Their customer service is wonderful. They ship all over. Need I say more?
Oh. Yes. I have to. The owners are very dear friends. They love Erin which is great considering she adores them!
So take a peek at the video. You may see someone you know!